Tuesday, March 07, 2006

When is enough enough?

When is enough chipping away at what it means to be an American enough? Tthe rationale goes something like this: Times have changed different ya know, maybe we gotta give up some rights in order to be safe.

Yesterday I talked about the Missouri legislator who introduced a resolution to make Christianity the official religion of that state. Can anyone explain to me what that has to do with national security?

Yesterday I talked about how Bill O’Reilly literally threatened a critical caller to his radio show with retribution by local police. Wow, I feel much safer from the threat of terrorists knowing that Bill O’Reilly thinks local police will help him silence critics. Isn’t that how Hitler and Stalin and Saddam Hussein used their police departments?

Today we find out the American military is blocking access to certain websites by soldiers. They are blocking so-called liberal sites like Wonkette, Air America radio and the Al Franken Show. But soldiers have unrestricted access to the websites of conservatives like Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and G. Gordon Liddy Show. Yes, I support my brave American troops who are over there risking their lives to protect my freedoms from the threat of terrorists. I’m certainly glad that I don’t live under a repressive regime like Iran and China, where they try to control what their people think.

When is enough enough?


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