Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I wonder…

…what happened to all of the “political capital” President Bush claimed he had after the last election? Maybe it was just an illusion after all.

…what would happen if you took speeches by Ann Coulter and each time you found a reference to Democrat or Liberal you replaced it with nigger or spick or kike or some other ethnic slur? Maybe we would recognize it for the despicable hate mongering it is.

…what it would feel like if I were to try on for a change the total black / white, all of nothing, “you’re either with me or against me” mentality of the Bush right? Hmmm… How about this one? George W. Bush is not a Christian. If he is for torturing people, then he cannot be a Christian. Period; end of discussion. The Bible, which President Bush allegedly follows, is about love and forgiveness and understanding and turning the other cheek --- or at least the one I grew up with is --- and I don’t remember a single passage that justifies torturing other human beings --- but see, that’s the real problem here, as George Bush doesn’t see what he’s condoning as “torture,” so he sees no inconsistency with his so-called Christian values. But then hypocrites, by definition, never see inconsistencies in their positions, do they?


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