Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What’s wrong with a little healthy anger?

Here’s a quote from today’s online New York Times attributed to Ken Mehlman, Chair of the Republican National Committee, talking about the potential candidacy of Hillary Clinton:

"I don't think the American people, if you look historically, elect angry candidates," he said on the ABC news program "This Week."

You wish, Mr. Mehlman. History is full of angry candidates who won on a ”throw the bums out” campaign theme.

As each day passes and the evidence of Republican arrogance and hypocrisy mounts, I find I get madder and madder --- and, at the same time, get tireder and tiereder of the milquetoast Democrats who seem to be afraid of their own shadows.

I’m waiting for the candidate who is not afraid to say what needs to be said. Am I just a crackpot on the fringe? You better hope so, Mr. Mehlman.


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