Friday, February 03, 2006

Let's suppose Al Gore... some strange quick of fate (LOL) had actually won the election and was now President Al Gore. Let's suppose further (I know this is getting to be a real stretch of the imagination) that President Gore was espousing the positions that Bush is espousing, that is that in the name of national security he had the right to spy on whomever he wanted and whenever he wanted to. Do you think for one second that the Republicans would be dutifully lining up to support President Al Gore the way they do W?

Now why would I pose this seemingly ridiculous rhetorical question? Because I recently saw a bumper sticker that said, "W STILL The President," which I underdstand to mean that we're supposed to support Bush no matter what, simply because he IS the President.

Which then made me wonder what if the President was a Democrat named Al Gore instead of a Republican named George Bush? In the name of national security, wouldn't he deserve the same support?


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