Saturday, February 04, 2006

George Bush is either…

…a fool or a provocateur.

Earlier this week in a speech in New Mexico Bush said (this is my verbatim transcript of the sound clip after several listenings):

“Part of my foreign policy is this… I believe there is an Almighty and I believe that the Almighty’s gift to everybody on the face of the earth, regardless of where they live and regardless of their religion, is freedom.”

Now, to Americans that’s clearly a patriotic call. How can we not be for freedom?

But what about non-Americans and more especially non-Christians? How might they see that remark, particularly in the context of Bush’s other actions, for example, the "invasion" of Iraq? And yes, I use the word "invasion" on purpose. For us here in the U.S. our venture into Iraq has been spun as a "liberation," but I would suggest that many in the rest of the world, and particularly those in Muslim Arabic countries, indeed see it as an "invasion" by an imperialist regime who’s real goal is to push their brand of religion --- they remember the Crusades, even if we don’t.

While I’m sure Bush’s remark played well with his conservative constituency in the U.S. --- that God is on the side of America is music to their ears --- I would suggest it plays even better with the recruiters for anti-American terrorists, who will use it as yet further evidence that Bush and Americans are anti-Muslim.

Which then brings me to my fool or provocateur dilemma. He is merely a fool, albeit an arrogant and dangerous one, if he made the remarks strictly for home consumption and didn’t ever stop to think about how that might “play” elsewhere. But he is even more dangerous as a provocateur who knew exactly how they would “play” with those he wants us to believe are our enemies, because he needs those “enemies” to justify his naked power grab here at home.


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