Friday, February 10, 2006

Epic Republican hypocrisy

It never ceases to amaze me, the blatant and utterly shameless hypocrisy of the Republicans. In today’s online New York Times, Porter Goss, the Bush-appointed head of the CIA, has a guest editorial called “Loose lips sink spies.” In this op/ed piece he piously chastises the media for leaking ostensibly classified information about how we are keeping track of Osama bin Laden that he says has damaged America’s fight against terrorism. Yet there is NO MENTION WHATSOEVER in his piece of the illegal leak of the name of a CIA agent by a member of the Bush Administration, apparently at the specific behest, so recent news articles allege, of his “superiors” at the White House. Hmmm, perhaps this is just another example of the Bushies standard trick of changing the subject when the critics get too close to the mark.


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