Friday, February 24, 2006

Let's see now...

... Scooter Libby wants to get the case against him dismissed on the grounds that the special prosecutor is acting contrary to the U.S. Constitution, but President Bush and his cronies in the Justice Department think the Constitution can be ignored when it comes to spying on Americans in the name of national security.

...President Bush thinks that Congress asking questions about the Dubai seaports deal is insulting to the Arab world, but invading an Arab country and the Abu Gharib and Guantanamo prison abuses are OK because they involve "enemy combantants," not Arabs.

...President Bush's mission-of-the-month in the Middle East is supposedly to bring the benefits of democracy to that region, but when a Middle Eastern nation democratically elects to parliament --- well, I know Palestine technically isn't a nation yet, but it does have a parliament --- a political party he doesn't like he refuses to recognize them and even works to destabilize them.

And they thought John Kerry was a flip-flopper.


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