Saturday, April 07, 2007

Colossal hyprocrisy

It seems that the Bush people have absolutely no limits to the dispicable levels of hyopocrisy they will sink. According to an article reported today on Raw Story:

"The White House on Friday condemned as 'unfortunate and extremely disappointing' any mistreatment by Iran of British naval personnel held captive by Tehran for roughly two weeks.

"'What the sailors said this morning is unfortunate and extremely disappointing if they were treated inappropriately in any way,' national security spokesman Gordon Johndroe told reporters."

"'If what they described is accurate, and I have no reason to believe it is not, if what they described is accurate then that would not seem to be appropriate behavior and action,' said Johndroe."

Mr. Johndroe, Abu Ghraib --- which, in case your "can't recall" (which seems to be the CYA mantra among Bush Administration flunkies these days) was the Iraqi prison camp run by AMERICANS --- made what the Iranians did to the British sailors seem like a picnic in the park. If the Iranian treatment of the British soldiers was "not appropriate," then what does that make Abu Ghraib? "War crimes" seems to fit.

With National Security people like you, Mr. Johndroe, no wonder the Bush Administration has zero credibility left on the world stage.


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