Thursday, February 08, 2007

Twisted Logic

According to the Associated Press, this is Sen. Judd Gregg’s rationale for opposing the senate resolution against the Iraq troop surge: "We should not take action once soldiers have been sent into the field and are putting their lives at risk. We should not be saying to them through a resolution, which is nonbinding, that we don't think the mission you're on makes sense and we don't want you to do it."

What a wonderful bit of twisted logic, Senator, because it trumps everything.

Except, Mr. Senator, it is precisely because you and your megalomaniacal president have ordered the troops to put their lives at risk unnecessarily and for reasons that don't make sense is why I need to speak out as forcefully as possible agains the war.

I am the one who is supporting the troops, sir. You are just using them!


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