Tuesday, February 06, 2007

You’re kidding me, right?

According to Reuters News Agency: ”Sen. Joseph Lieberman said on Tuesday that Congress should consider a tax to fund the U.S.-declared war on terrorism and reduce the need to cut domestic programs to pay for security spending. ‘I think we have to start thinking about a war on terrorism tax,’ the independent Connecticut lawmaker said. ‘I mean people keep saying we're not asking a sacrifice of anybody but our military in this war and some civilians who are working on it.’"

Come on, Lieberman, you’re kidding us, right? You’re not be serious. You CAN’T be serious. You’re new GOP buddies over the last six or so years gave away billions and BILLIONS of dollars in tax breaks to the rich and to corporations. You’re new GOP buddies have pissed away billions and BILLIONS of dollars in mismanaged contracts in Iraq. And now you think I’m supposed to pay a terrorism tax.

You’re kidding me, right? Because if you’re not kidding me, then you must be out of your fucking mind!


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