Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Clinton’s “fault”

First the Republicans tried to rewrite history to blame Bill Clinton for not getting Osama bin Laden. Now it seems that it was also somehow his fault that North Korea appears to have exploded a nuclear device.

Two thoughts:

- First, if these are Clinton’s “fault,” then how come he can’t also get the credit for the longest sustained period of economic growth in this nation’s history, which also happened on his watch?

- Second, I’d suggest to the Republicans that they be careful with this kind of finger pointing, as that can be a two edged sword. Since bin Laden is apparently still at large and since North Korea did supposedly explode a nuclear device, the obvious question is: What has the current administration done in the nearly six years it has been in office to address these so-called threats? If these were clearly such threats way back when Clinton was in office, why have they been ignored all this time?


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