Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hey Fox News, you guys are funny!

At first I have to admit to a real flash of anger when I read the following: According to the Associated Press, Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News characterized Bill Clinton’s somewhat pointed response to a Chris Wallace interview last week as "wild overreaction" and that it was an “an assault on all journalists."

This, I thought seeing red, from the network that hosts Bill O’Reilly and Hannity & Colmes!

Then I thought about it… Chris Wallace was practicing a tried and true journalistic approach called the “ambush question,” a technique honed to a high art by Wallace’s father, Mike, over many years on CBS’ 60 Minutes. You invite someone to participate in an interview on the pretext that you are going to talk about something else --- in this case it was Clinton’s global initiative --- but, then, when you get them on camera you ambush them with the “are you still beating your wife” type question.

Unfortunately for Fox News and Wallace, Clinton held his ground and didn’t back down. They waren’t able to embarrass him, as I have no doubt was their intent. And so now, true to their childish, bully-boy traditions, they have to go on the attack to save their embarrasment over Clinton’s mini-victory over Chris Wallace.


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