Saturday, September 23, 2006

“It’s a scary world out there”

I overheard a conversation in which someone used the phrase “It’s a scary world out there” to justify support of President Bush draconian, Constitution-bashing anti-terrorism measures. The person went on to further rationalize that Bush’s tactics have clearly been effective, since there has not been a terrorism attack in this country in five years.

There may, in fact, be another reason why there has not been a terrorism attack in this country since 9/11. The terrorists don’t have to attack us, because George Bush and his cronies are doing their work for them.

A major goal of terrorists is to spread fear. Another goal of terrorists is to disrupt the lives of those they oppose. And a final terrorist goal is to try to do the most damage with the least expenditure of assets.

Every time George Bush beats the drum of “It’s a scary world out there...” Every time George Bush chips away at our freedoms in the name of national security… He is doing the work of the terrorists for them. Which means they don't have to do it themselves.


At 3:04 PM, Blogger Etzel Pangloss said...

In order to take peoples' freedoms away, one must have a scary enemy.
Both the Jihadists and the neo-cons seem to be getting what they want.


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