Sunday, September 17, 2006

It doesn't make any sense to me... the Republicans can be supposedly making political hay out of the so-called illegal immigration issue.

The Republicans have been in charge of the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate for the last 10 years, so why is the issue of illegal immigration all of a sudden such a big deal? Why didn't they do something about this supposely important issue 10-years ago, or 5-years ago, or even 2-years ago?

Perhaps it is because the Illegal Immigration Problem is really a Straw Man --- a phony issue --- designed to distract us from their Iraq fiasco.

The fact is, for all intents and purposes for the last 20+ years we (which includes Democrats and Republicans alike) have invited them to come so that thousands of our U.S. business (probably mostly Republican run) could hire them cheaply. It is the height of hyprocrisy to now make political hay out of what they have tacitly allowed to happen.

We're told that the Hispanic vote has been one of the cornerstones for the GOP: I wondner how many Hispanics are now rethinking their support?


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