Saturday, September 16, 2006

Let's see...

...according to ABC's revisionist so-called docu-drama about the lead-up to 9/11, Bill Clinton had the opportunity to "take out" Osama bin Laden and didn't, therefore, all of the terorist threats we face are his fault. Or so would seem the spin the righties are putting on it.

Let's say, just for argument's sake, that that is a historically accurate portrayal. At least Clinton and his intelligence folks apparently knew where bin Laben was.

But just as apparently, after five years in office Bush and his intelligence people either don't seem to know where bin Laden is --- which says volumes about their competence, or lack thereof --- or maybe don't want to know where bin Laden is --- which perhaps suggests volumes about their need to have a bogey man loose out there to justify their bloated budgets and Constitution-bashing political agenda.


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