Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Two items

Item one: From the Chicago Tribune earlier this week reporting on the just completed Cook County primary: “Claiming that scores of votes from last month's Cook County primary still haven't been accurately counted, a group of Republicans and losing candidates called for several unprecedented fixes Thursday, ranging from an audit of ballots to an entirely new election.

"(Maureen Murphy, vice chair of the county GOP) said she met with about 200 suburban election judges who detailed a litany of problems from the March 21 primary, (including) touch-screen voting machine that ‘blew up like an M80’ and had to be unplugged; machines showing votes that hadn't been cast; and machines not working at all. In one meeting she asked about 125 judges how many of them were confident that every vote at their polling place had been counted, and no hands went up, she said.”

Gee, Republicans think that those unreliable electronic voting machines did them dirt. Never forget that every sword cuts both ways.

Item two: From the Washington Post reporting on a remark by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia “to a student in Switzerland who asked last month about the Supreme Court's ruling for George Bush during the 2000 election. ‘Oh, God. Get over it,’ he said.”

So, to you Republicans who think that those unreliable electronic voting machines did you dirt, I’d suggest, “Oh, God. Get over it.”


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