Monday, April 17, 2006

Our low-life leaders

Well, it seems yet another of our holier-than-thou Republican leaders has yet again resorted to trash-talk to dismiss someone they don’t agree with.

First it was Vice-President Dick Cheney who told a United States Senator on the floor of the U.S. Senate to “go f**k yourself.”

Then it seems that President George Bush thought it was quite appropriate to respond to a reporter’s shouted question that he didn’t like by flipping him the bird.

Now, according to an article in the Washington Post, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia responded to a reporter from the Boston Herald who asked “a question about criticism of his conservative religious beliefs by putting his fingertips under his chin and flipping them dismissively outward. ‘That's Sicilian,’ the high court's first Italian-American explained…”

What he didn't explain for anyone not familiar with Italian non-verbal communication is that that particular gesture means “f**k you!”

So, how do you feel now those of you who were duped into voting for these low-lifes based on their self-styled moral values? Is this the example you want your kids to emulate? Or perhaps I should ask, WWJD?


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