Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The “War On Christians?”

Let’s see…

Some major retailers --- businesses competing in the marketplace --- recognize the reality of an increasingly diverse population and decide to call them Holiday Sales instead of Christmas Sales. And this is the sign of a “War on Christians?”

Some public schools, also recognizing the same diversity among their students, decide to curtail traditional Christian hymns in their seasonal choir programs. And this is the sign of a “War on Christians?”

Some Liberals --- for example, like me --- looking to the Constitution written by our revered Founding Fathers try to reasonably argue that having “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance is not a good idea. And this is a sign of a “War on Christians?”

Yet, for 10-plus years the Christian / Right Coalition’s leading spokespersons --- Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanity, Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, to name just a few --- have been waging war on anyone to their left, filling the airwaves with invective and hate and disinformation. All liberals should at least be deported to Afghanistan, or better yet, shot… There is no such thing as a good Democrat… Katrina --- or anything else bad (take your pick) --- was God's punishment against Liberals / Feminists / Pro-Choicers / Democrats (again, take your pick)...

Job 4:8 says “…those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.”

Perhaps you are now reaping what you have sown.


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