Saturday, April 01, 2006

George Bush: Al- Qaeda’s best friend

I am utterly mystified by the supposed lock-hold George Bush and the Republicans have on the so-called national security issue; that the one place where Bush seems to be invulnerable is that he is tough on fighting terrorism.

I am mystified because it seems to me the exact opposite is the case, that George Bush is in fact the best friend al-Qaeda has. Why?

He invaded --- and make no mistake about it, that is how it is perceived --- a Muslim country (Iraq). It makes no difference that that Muslim country was more secular than religious, it was Muslim nonetheless. And, of course, he seems to be making noises about invading yet another Muslim country (Iran), only this time it's a fundamentalist Islamic nation. Is it such a surprise that this is perceived as American imperialism? Which then bring us to…

Bush likes to boast that he is being instructed to do what he’s doing by God, which, of course, is clearly understood to be a Christian God. So, is it any surprise that our actions may not only be perceived as American imperialism, but as Christian imperialism, in other words, a Crusade against Islam a millennium later?

So, let’s see if I’ve got this straight. We feel under attack by Muslim extremists who we call terrorists. On the other hand, they feel under attack by Christian fundamentalists who they call imperialists. Naturally, we’re right because we know God is on our side. But of course, they have no doubt about their rightness because they know that God is on their side. So each side recruits members under the banner of patriotism and self-preservation from the hated enemy. And the Death Dance continues…

We are not safer because George Bush is President. We are less safe, because George Bush is the best recruiting tool al-Qaeda has.


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