Monday, March 13, 2006

Another "phony" issue

Here’s the lead from an article in today’s online New York Times: “As prospective Republican presidential candidates search for themes to distinguish their prospective campaigns, and distance themselves from the embattled incumbent in the White House, they appear to be in agreement on what one central issue should be in 2008: Curbing the federal spending that has soared under President Bush.”

Let’s see, what has the “federal spending” been going for? How about the botched war in Iraq. How about the blank checks for Haliburton? How about the massive subsidy for drug companies called Medicare Part D? Too name just a few... Let’s see if any of these will be on the Republican’s agenda for spending that needs to be “curbed.”

Of course, what is most noteworthy is what they did NOT say, which is that the real reason for the massive federal deficit is the obscene tax cuts to the rich and corporations. You can bet no Republican will suggest rolling these back.

Another "phony" Republican issue. Or is it another issue from "phony" Republicans? Either way...


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