Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Good news / Bad news

President Bush, according to today’s New York Times, gave a speech yesterday in which he told the story of Tal Afar, a city in Northern Iraq where a massive effort by U.S. and Iraqi forces drove out the insurgents and terrorists. (By the way, did you ever notice how Bush always uses those terms interchangeably, when, in fact, they are not? But that’s a different discussion…) Apparently Mr. Bush wants us to focus on Tal Afar as some ”good news” that we are supposedly winning the peace in Iraq.

But that would be a little like your doctor telling you the “good news” is he’s mended the cut you got on your finger while slicing the cucumbers for your salad, but forgetting to mention the advanced cancer that’s eating at your insides.

The Times went on to say about the speech: “Mr. Bush appeared relaxed throughout, and in a question about Iraq segued to Iran. ‘The threat from Iran is, of course, their stated objective to destroy our strong ally Israel,’ he said, adding, ‘I made it clear, I'll make it clear again, that we will use military might to protect our ally, Israel.’" (Emphasis added)

And of course that’s the bad news, in fact, the really bad news. Because once again he has told us what his real plan is: To save his Presidency, he wants to invade Iran. All of his other policies and plans are falling down around him, the only thing he has left to fall back on is his war mongering.

Unfortunately, he can’t even do war right!


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