Sunday, October 22, 2006

Elect more Republicans

The oft-quoted management aphorism goes: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.”

So lets say, as we’ve done for roughly the last decade, we keep electing Republicans. What will we get?

- Probably a much bigger federal budget deficit.

- Most likely more chipping away at our Constitutional freedoms.

- Doubtless more war --- is there any question they’re desperate to invade Iran?

- Be sure to say good-bye to any gay friends you might have, since they will most certainly want to make homosexuality a criminal offense.

- Of course, wish any Hispanics you know well as they are being rounded up because they just might be illegals.

- And forget your wife’s / mother’s / female partner’s / sister’s medical records being in any way private, since the government will want to make sure they have never had a procedure that could have been an abortion.

- Oh, and let’s not forget $4 a gallon gasoline.


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