Sunday, February 11, 2007


According to an Associated Press article: “Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Sunday that prisoner abuse scandals in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay and other mistakes have damaged America's reputation, and work must be done to prove the U.S. is still a force for good in the world.”

Wow! An administration flack who actually admits a mistake! Well, Mr. Gates, even though you didn’t mention it specifically, I’d suggest that among the “other mistakes” you refer to was the entire Iraq invasion. A colossal mistake that has indeed “damaged America’s reputation,” to say nothing of making less safe, not more secure!

Once again, Mr. Gates, you’ve proven what I have suggested in previous entries here, that sooner or later facts have a way of catching up with spin.

What is becoming increasingly clear is that George Bush made it plain to his people from the outset that he wanted to invade Iraq. So his toadies twisted or just plain manufactured so-called intelligence to justify their boss’s desire. And, of course, the gutless rubber stamp Republican Senate and Congress happily went along (to say nothing of some similarly gutless Democrats). The fault is not "failed intelligence," it is Goerge Bush's recklessness.

And now, it appears, he's is trying to do it again, with his carefully orchestrated demonizing of Iran. What insults me the most is how stupid Bush and Cheney and the other neocons must believe we are that we are going to fall for the same shell game again.

Just for the record, gentlemen, you have zero credibility with me!


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