Friday, May 15, 2009

Bean-counters making medical decisions

The Democrats are supposedly looking for a message to counter the Republicans criticism of health care reform. Apparently the Republicans theme is going to be: "You don't want the government to come between you and your doctor."

In the first place, it's another one of the Republicans favorite tricks, The Big Lie. Repeat it over and over until people start to believe it.

Second, it is yet another classic anti-critical thinking trick, a distraction from the real issue.

Because the real issue is that under the system we've got now it is ACCOUNTANTS who are always more concerned about increasing the profits of their insurance company employers than they are about your family's health who are making your medeical decisions for you, with refusals cover certain people, with limits on what they will cover, with limits on what they will pay, with limits on which hsopitals and which doctors you can go to.

So here's my suggestion for the Democrats' counter-message: "Do you want a bean-counter between you and yoour doctor?"


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