Three cheers for Iowa!
Yesterday the Iowa Supreme Court unanimously --- unanimously! --- ruled that people of the same sex should enjoy the same right to marriage as those of the opposite sex. Of course. Naturally. What other choice did they have if they were to truly defend the Constitution?
Because to hold differently, to argue that a certain class of people --- whether they are of different races, different religions, or the same sex --- do not deserve the same rights as everyone else is bigotry, period.
Southerners once quoted Bible verses to support their belief that African-Americans were not human beings and therefore could be owned like cattle. They argued that people of different races getting married was “unnatural” --- sound familiar? --- and enacted laws banning such marriage.
Suffrage opponents used to quote Bible verses to support their argument that women should not be allowed the vote. And, of course, were full of dire predictions about the future well-being of society --- sound familiar? --- if women got the vote.
Those who quote Bible verses against and screech about the horrible consequences of same sex marriage are just as wrong as their bigoted predecessors were. What they don’t seem to recognize is that our changing society is very quickly making them historically irrelevant.
Hmm, on the other hand, maybe they do and that’s why we’re getting all this hysterical kicking and screaming…
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