Who is advising these people?
So, according to today’s news…
Sen. McCain is apparently going to trot out the old Republican shibboleth about Democratic “failed policies of the past” to taunt Sen. Obama.
And Sen. Clinton is reportedly going to try over the next few days to convince superdelegates that she’s a better “closer” than Sen. Obama.
Except, Sen. McCain, I would ask you: Whose policies over the last eight years have been such utter and abject failures? It certainly wasn’t a Democrat who sat in the White House. And it certainly wasn’t the Democrats who controlled the House and Senate for most of those years.
Except, Sen. Clinton, I would ask you: Who was it that, despite starting out with what was generally presumed to be a commanding lead in the race for the Democratic nomination, actually failed to close the deal? It certainly wasn’t Sen. Obama.
I think John McCain is officially as scary as GW. Have you heard the latest about McCain wanting to give individual states control over oil exploration in "their" parcels of ocean? What McCain pretends not to realize is that ocean currents don't adhere to state boundaries. So one state can drill and collect the tax revenue from the sale of crude oil, and the state farther along the ocean current gets to clean up the mess and hire lawyers. Brilliant...
GP - I suspect the idea has about as much chance of going anywhere as privatizing Social Security did --- as in DOA.
That McCain doesn't seem to have a clue about things like ocean currents can just be added to a long list of similarly short-sighted (to put it charitably) ideas.
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