Sunday, June 01, 2008

Why I can’t now support Hillary

The following message was sent by e-mail today to Hillary Clinton’s campaign:

I understand the power of your personal ambition. I understand your difficult status as a feminist icon trying to break the glass ceiling. I even understand your “all-in” fighter’s mantra that “all’s fair in love and politics.”

But, unfortunately, these powerful forces have now so consumed you that they have become a tragic parody of themselves.

Your insistence that the Florida and Michigan delegates should now receive their full voting rights, despite having agreed to the action that stripped them of their votes in the first place… And that because you are reportedly not happy with the compromise reached this weekend you are considering taking the nomination fight to the convention floor in August…

…is nothing more than trying to change the rules of the game because the game isn’t going your way. Which, as far as I’m concerned, is no different than what George Bush has repeatedly done with his Constitution-shredding executive orders.

Should you somehow actually get the Democratic nomination --- which, by the way, would be tantamount to “stealing the election,” no different than what Bush did to Al Gore in 2000 --- you would not receive my vote in the general election and I would actively campaign against you.

Yes, I know this would supposedly help elect John McCain. But since at this point I see little difference between you and the hypocritical and morally corrupt Republicans, so be it.


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