Saturday, March 21, 2009

Seven deadly sins

The Seven Deadly Sins are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Wall Street's whole mentality is based on four of them, gluttony, greed, envy and pride. Just as children need adult supervision to help them understand the consequences of letting these sins govern their lives, Wall Street need adult supervision (regulation) for the same reason.

I never, EVER want to hear another conservative complain about "government regulation." YOU have brought this on yourselves.

This is getting silly...

...some Republican governors don't want to take part of the stimulus package because their are strings attached. Some bankers don't want to take bailout money because there are strings attached. So fine, let's not send 'em ANY money; not just the parts they don't like, but NONE of the stimulus or bailout dollars.

When kindergartners refuse to play nice they get a "time out." Maybe that what these spoiled brats need, a "time out."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

AIG Bonuses

So AIG is "contractually obligated" to pay $160 million on bonuses to its executives, despite losing $61 BILLION, and is afraid of getting sued if they don't pay them!

Once again the greedy, arrogant and apparently completely clueless Wall Streeters take care of themselves and the hell with the rest of us. Not another dime of bailout money for AIG!