A Black / White Issue (Pun intended)
So, says the Associated Press, the U.S. Senate is about to consider an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that marriage can only be between a male and a female. The AP article went on to say it “had little chance” of passing (we’ll see).
My question is this: If this proposed amendment to the Constitution instead said that marriage was only permitted between people of the same race, wouldn’t we recognize it for what it is, a blatant attempt to legalize prejudice against someone you don’t like or agree with?
But, of course, the hypocritical so-called Christians will hide behind their twisted interpretations of Bible verses to justify their unjustifiable position against gays the same way they once did to rationalize that African-Americans didn’t deserve any rights.
Here’s a prediction: This issue might very well blow up in the face of the neo-cons. Poll after poll says that while the majority of Americans would not have an abortion, they don’t believe they have the right to tell someone else they don’t have the right to an abortion. It may well turn out that the majority of Americans will say that while they believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, they don’t have the right to impose that belief on someone else (we’ll see).